Arch Linux
To begin with executables will be statically linked to third party dependencies but shared linking to libc and libc++/libstdc++.
vcpkg will be used to declare, build dependencies. To set up on Arch Linux
yay -S vcpkg
sudo gpasswd -a $USER vcpkg
sudo pacman -S libc++ lld llvm base-devel ccache autoconf-archive meson gperf
# for building documentation
sudo pacman -S python-sphinx_rtd_theme python-myst-parser python-breathe
# for packaging
sudo pacman -S rpm-tools
# for cross compiling
sudo pacman -S aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc aarch64-linux-gnu-binutils aarch64-linux-gnu-gdb aarch64-linux-gnu-glibc
# relogin or $ newgrp vcpkg in terminal or su <username>
Please note the output of installing vcpkg:
"VCPKG_ROOT" is set to "/opt/vcpkg"
"VCPKG_DOWNLOADS" is set to "/var/cache/vcpkg"
To cooperate with CMake, add "-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=/opt/vcpkg/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake"
please note that for the first release (first deployed product) it will be required to fixate the vcpkg dependencies version