Interprocess communication

Implementation of the Observer pattern

Observers hereby known as slots and events known as signals.


Take care of communication back and forth between user space components and fundamental components.


  • string based naming of signals and slots

  • One signal can indicate to many slots

  • runtime capable of mapping

IPC Slots and signals visulization

Example of information sources and consumers

consumer information source (slot t.d. axes_count) - (signal t.d. servo drive)

Example of a mapping between a signal and a slot

axes_count <-> servo.axes_count

Example of mapping configuration

connections : [
        "signal": "servo.axes_count",
        "slot": "axes_count"
        "type": "uint16_t",
        "signal": "servo.axes_speed",
        "slot": "axes_speed"
        "type": "uint16_t",


There is an api called ipc-ruler running on dbus that manages ipc connections each signal registers with the service and each slot listens asynchronously to new connection information.

Both the services and the management of the services is done over dbus.

Delay and real time considerations

Less than 1ms


#include <cstdint>
#include <functional>
#include <string_view>

template <typename T>
class Reader {
    Reader(std::string_view name);
    void subscribe(std::function<void(T const&)>);
    T const& get() const noexcept;
    awaitable get() const noexcept;
    void register_(std::string_view name);
    void deregister();

template <typename T>
concept Slottable = requires {
    std::same_as<std::uint64_t, T>,
template <Slottable T>
class Slot {
    // register into confman provide callback and get mapping for reader
    void connected(std::function<void(bool)>);
    Reader<T> reader;    
    JsonSchema schema;

using DIOReader = Reader<bool>;

class motorcontroller {
    DIOReader<"running"> foo;
    DIOReader running{"running"};
using DoubleReader = Reader<double>;
using IntReader = Reader<std::int64_t>;
//using JSONReader = Reader<nl::json>;

using status_code = std::int64_t;

template <typename T>
class Writer {
    Writer(std::string_view name);
    void set(T const&);
    void publish(T const&, std::function<void(status_code)>);
