IPC slot value tinker

Each ipc slot offers a dbus api interface. One for filters, get value and value tinkering.

General information

The slot requests a name from dbus <slot_name>._slot_ storing its dbus connection, The implemented functionality inject their interfaces into the slots established dbus connection.

Interface names

The following interface names are used for the functionality.

  • filters <slot_name>/filters

  • tinker <slot_name>/tinker

  • value <slot_name>/value

Specification of the tinker interface

A method called set accepting a value of the type of the slot, this method sends a value to the slot. Once a new value is posted on the signal the slot is connected to the value is updated.

If you wish to completely control the value you can disconnect the slot from the signal and then set a value to the slot.

Specification of the value interface

A property called filtered_value of the type of the slot. A property called raw_value of the type of the slot, raw value contains the value before the filters are applied.

Monitoring value changes

Each of these properties transmit a properties changed event and can be subscribed to.

Effect of forcing a value

If the slot value is forced filtered_value is set to the just set value but raw_value still tracks the value on the signal the slot is connected to.

The filter interface

This interface follows our convention of using json-schema for configurations.