Fish species, how they are stored

In order to utilize the same numerical values for fish species indepent of the customer using our systems we have utilized a predefined list of fish species obtained from fao see

In addition to having a defined list of fish species we have a system of encoding the three letter markings into integers that makes it easy to transmit to plc controllers and any other system that requires knowledge of the product being processed.

Due to our requirement of plc’s having an easy time understanding the encoding, we limited the size of this integer to 16-bits. This makes it easier to transmit over modbus and matches the word size for most plc controllers.


To convert a three letter marking to an integer we use the letters placement in the alphabet. For reference here is the alphabet with each letters location marked.

0 A
1 B
2 C
3 D
4 E
5 F
6 G
7 H
8 I
9 J
10 K
11 L
12 M
13 N
14 O
15 P
16 Q
17 R
18 S
19 T
20 U
21 V
22 W
23 X
24 Y
25 Z

To convert a three letter marking to an integer we use the following formula

(26^2 * first_letter) + (26 * second_letter) + third_letter

Here is an example for the fish species COD

(26^2 * 2) + (26 * 14) + 3 = 1719

Here is an example for the fish species HAD

(26^2 * 7) + (26 * 0) + 3 = 473

Speciality markings

Anybody can see from this example and the fact that we limited the size of our integer to 2^16 that there is still some space. We have created metadata that can also be sent as a species.

The highest three letter code we have to create is ZZZ with a value of 17575 so the lowest speciality code we can use is 17576. The following metadata has been defined and used in our systems.

| Code | Name       |
| !UNS | UNSURE     |
| !EMP | EMPTY      |
| !DBL | DOUBLE     |
| !GAR | GARBAGE    |
| !GIG | GIGOLO     |
| !SNG | SINGLE     |
| !DMG | DAMAGED    |
| !BAG | bag        |

We then define offset = 17576 then our equation for calculating speciality codes is

offset + (26^2 * first_letter) + (26 * second_letter) + third_letter


Here is an example for the speciality code !UNS

17576 + (26^2 * 20) + (26 * 13) + 18 = 31452


17576 + (26^2 * 6) + (26 * 8) + 6 = 21846


17576 + (26^2 * 2) + (26 * 12) + 15 = 20607