Alarm system ( Themis )


Handle the registration, activation level and notification of alarms.

Alarm template

Alarm messages have the requirement of being translatable, dynamic sections of the message shall be marked with a fmt formattable string. Example of message strings

"Temperture out of bounds it is greater then {}"
"Actuation time out of bounds {}ms expected took {}ms"
"Frequency drive {} not reaching speed {} current {}"

Please note that for the short and long text associated with an alarm the dynamic variable count must be the same.


The alarm system is exposed through the com.skaginn3x.Alarm interface.


RegisterAlarm (s: tfc_id, i: alarm_level, b: latching) -> i: alarm_id Note errors can only be latched
# ListAlarms returns boolean true in_locale if translation exists otherwise english
ListAlarms () -> s -> json of: std::vector<struct { string description; string details; bool latching; enum alarm_level; std::map<locale, struct translations{ string description; string details}> ; }>
# Note for state = -1 for all, alarm_level = -1 for all a max size of 100 alarms will be sent at a time
ListActivations (s: locale, i: start_count, i: count, i: alarm_level, i: state, x: startunixTimestamp, x: endUnixTimestamp) -> s -> json of: struct { string description; string details; bool latching; enum alarm_level; state_e state; std::uint64_t millisec_from_epoch; };
SetAlarm(i: alarm_id, as: variables)
ResetAlarm(i: alarm_id)
TryReset(i: alarm_id) # Transmits a signal to the alarm to reset itself
TryResetAll() # Transmits a signal to all alarms to reset themselfs


AlarmChanged(i: alarm_id, n: state)
TryReset(i: alarm_id)


As of now there are no properties

Database schema


SHA1SUM is the SHA1SUM of both alarm_template_short_en and alarm_template_en
Combined primary key of and SHA1SUM
this combination shall be unique

Alarm translation

Alarm activations

Alarm acks

Alarm variables


Executables must register their alarms on construction. Unregistered alarms cannot be notified.

Once an alarm is registered the Alarm with Themis he will monitor the NameOwnerChanged signal for the name that registered the alarm. If the name is lost the alarm will be deactivated.

If an alarm is registered having changed the level or latching attributes the alarm shall be updated in the database